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[…] and manage la rge volumes of reality data, update reality data at any time, and bring digi tal context to everyone on your team. Bentley’s Orbit 3DM applications help owner-operators and engineering companies to: • MANAGE their high volumes of captured 3D that come from a variety of capturing systems over time. • ANALYZE […]

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[…] into an easily understandable, information-rich picture that’s transparent to all users McLean, VA – August 18, 2022 – Akular announced the release of AKULAR TWIN, a lightweight app that is built on the Bentley iTwin platform. The app enables users to upload a BIM model during construction or have a BIM model created from […]

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[…] the bridge fly free from the supports , the crane operators start ed a slow inward move. At that moment the two barge s developed a large list and the control over the system was lost which eventually led to a progressive collapse and a complete fall over of the two cranes. Figure 1 […]

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[…] tool. POWERFUL REPORTING FUNCTIONALITY FOR DESIGNERS OpenComms Designer includes powerful reporting functionality with bills of materials (BOM) for all equipment and cable, BOM by build state, address list by node ser vice area, and more. Reports are displayed on the screen and may be output as text files for printing or for importing to […]

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[…] are becoming more important to clients as standards compliance becomes a bigger business driver. OpenPlant PID includes a powerful browser that allows you to see a full list of all co mponents in the drawing and their relationships to one another. It also allows you to visualize and edit any of the data associated […]

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[…] Form 10 -K 102 -11 Whether and how the organization applies the Precautionary Principle or approach. The company does not presently apply the Precautionary Principle. 102 -12 List of externally developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organization subscribes or which it endorses . External Initiatives ES(D)G Page […]

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[…] attempting to design tunnel projects with software made for other industries and types of infrastructure. Completing a project has necessitated the use of disparate applications, coding specia lists, and lengthy workarounds. The result is decreased productivity and accuracy, not to mention decreased motivation. If you feel like “the light at the end of the […]

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Bug Bounty Report

[…] Findings from physical testing, such as office access (e.g., open doors, tailgating) Findings derived primarily from social engineering (e.g., phishing, vishing) Findings from applications or systems not listed in the ‘Scope’ section UI and UX bugs and spelling mistakes Network level Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS) vulnerabilities Any services hosted by 3rd-party providers and services […]

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[…] investment levels across types of infrastructure, regions of the world, and public and private organizations. Bentley Systems has compiled the Bentley Infrastructure 500 to help global constituents appreciate and explore the magnitude of investment in infrastructure and the potential to continually increase the return on that investment. The Bentley Infrastructure 500’s value, at over […]

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[…] teams that are responsible for Bentley’s reality modeling solutions. He joined Bentley Systems in 2008, and has served in product management roles with a focus on the application of GIS and reality modeling technologies in infrastructure. Benoit earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in France at the engineering schools École Supérieure d’ingénieurs Géomètres et […]

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[…] won the award for its AI Blood Donation Room Monitoring Project. Students comprising the team are Lucas Pessanha, Deivid Braian, and Luiz Felipe Muniz. All In’s iTwin app harnesses the power of smart cameras and artificial intelligence to monitor blood donation room occupancy, assess product demands, and manage stock levels. Currently in use in […]

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[…] work model of the coax and related outside plant facilities. Bentley Coa x offers different  functions to edit, modify, or delete existing coaxial plant. These functions maintain  connectivity throughout the entire network. Editing a device causes the  network to be  recalculated automatically, and devices that don’t meet the design specifi cation used  in the project are identifi ed for further correction. A complete set of tools is available to place different kinds of annotat ion driven by  information from the database. Users can place data blocks (amplifi er, power supply,  end of line) that were previously customized in the setup. There are tw o ways to  verify the network design: the fi rst calculates signal level and distortion automati- cally while the user is laying out the coaxial network; the second allow s the user to  recalculate the signal level and distortion from any coaxial device on t he network  until an amplifi er or terminator is reached.  After the design has been completed, Bentley Coax allows designers to po wer the  plant. Powering is based on user-defi ned boundaries or power blocks that defi ne  the area to be powered.  Designers have the option of changing the power count  percentage  when using power-passing taps. Bentley Coax also includes powerful  reporting functionality. This includes bills of materials for all RF equipment and  cable, bills of materials by build state, address  list by node service a rea, and more.  And users can publish PDFs and i-models to Bentley CONNECT Services. RF design calculations are performed as equipment is placed. Find out about Bentley  at: Contact Bentley 1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539) Outside the US +1 610-458-5000 Global Offi ce Listings  System  Requirements Refer to the ‘Requirements’ section  of the Bentley Utilities Designer  ReadMe fi le:   © 2016 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley, the “B” Bentley logo, Bentley Coax, Bentley Fiber, Bentley Inside Plant, and Bentley Map Mobile are either registered  or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorpor […]

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[…] Create work order bills of material and submit to purchasing Š Property-driven thematic display DATA MANAGEMENT TOOLS Š Use Bills of Material Manager to quickly organize material lists, automatically assign item numbers, and manage electrical nameplate data Š Use Data Manager to find/replace/edit properties across multiple design files. REPORTS AND DOCUMENTATION Š Automatic report […]

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Privacy Policy

[…] We take measures to help ensure that our Channel Partners protect the confidentiality, integrity, and security of any personal information we share with them. See a complete  list of our Channel Partners. We may access and/or disclose information we collect if we believe that such action is necessary to: (a) comply with the law […]

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Software destacado


MicroStation Software Logo White


Modele, documente, acceda y vea información de diseño arquitectónico, ingeniería, cartografía, construcción y operaciones con la potencia y flexibilidad que necesita para proyectos de cualquier tamaño.


Logo blanco del software ProjectWise


Aproveche la ejecución del diseño digital, la inteligencia de portafolio, la gobernanza de datos y las capacidades mejoradas de trabajo en curso de ingeniería para aumentar el rendimiento y la productividad de los proyectos mediante ProjectWise, con tecnología de iTwin.


SYNCHRO Software Logo White


Gestione sus proyectos de manera eficiente con construcción, planeación y ciclos de trabajo virtuales basados en modelos, del campo a la oficina.

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

OpenFlows Software Logo White

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

Software integral de asistencia para la toma de decisiones de modo que diseñe, planee y opere sus sistemas de distribución de agua.

Gemelos digitales

iTwin Software Logo White

Gemelos digitales

¡Eche un vistazo a qué son los gemelos digitales, cómo lo benefician y cómo funcionan!

OpenRoads Designer

Logo blanco del software OpenRoads

OpenRoads Designer

Diseño y documentación detallados e integrales para proyectos de carreteras que incluyen topografía, drenaje, servicios públicos subterráneos y visualización en aplicación.


Logo blanco de software STAAD


Analice y diseñe cualquier estructura, simple o compleja, y comparta el modelo sincronizado con confianza para la colaboración multidisciplinaria en equipo.


PLAXIS Software Logo White


Realice potentes análisis 3D de deformaciones y estabilidad en ingeniería geotécnica y mecánica de rocas con PLAXIS 3D.

Celebre la excelencia en la entrega y el rendimiento de la infraestructura

El Evento Year in Infrastructure y Premios Going Digital Awards 2024

¡Nomine un proyecto para los premios más prestigiosos en infraestructura! El plazo ampliado para participar termina el 29 de abril.