Inicio / Resultados de búsqueda para 'OpenFlows' / Page 4


[…] OpenSite Designer iTwin Capture Modeler Plan OpenRoads ConceptStation OpenRoads ConceptStation OpenSite DesignerOpenRoads ConceptStation Design OpenRoads Designer LumenRT ™ OpenBridge Designer OpenSite Designer LumenRT OpenTunnel Analyze OpenRoads Designer OpenFlows ™ CivilStorm ® OpenBridge Designer ProStructures ® OpenFlows CivilStorm OpenSite Designer OpenFlows CivilStorm OpenTunnel ProStructures OpenFlows CivilStorm Deliver OpenRoads Designer OpenFlows CivilStorm OpenBridge Designer ProStructures OpenFlows […]

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[…] analysis, visualization, geotechnical, underground utilities, and more. Civil WorkSuite for roads Acquire ŠiTwin Capture Modeler Plan ŠOpenRoads ConceptStation Design ŠOpenRoads Designer ŠBentley LumenRT Analyze ŠOpenRoads Designer Š OpenFlows CivilStorm Deliver ŠOpenRoads Designer ŠBentley LumenRT 6 of 13 Acquire iTwin Capture Modeler Collect, consume, and share field data ŠCreate scalable 3D meshes ŠDesign in a […]

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Civil WorkSuite

[…] SITEOPS, so you can quickly identify constraints early, understand financial implications and project feasibility, and produce optimized solutions to meet your client’s needs.   Stormwater Stormwater Software OpenFlows Storm (Advanced) is a fully dynamic, multi-platform, hydraulic modeling solution developed for the analysis of complex stormwater systems. You can analyze these systems using built-in hydraulic […]

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[…] Have It. We regularly seek feedback from our users on how we’re doing. In a recent sur vey, we received excellent scores across the board on our OpenFlows ™ products like OpenFlows Water and OpenFlows Sewer. One individual noted it would be great if Bentley were to “Provide additional training, demos, and webinars.” My […]

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Streamline Your Design Workflow Learn how water professionals use OpenFlows ™ to solve everyday challenges with their water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. 2 of 7 Table of Contents Page 3 Water Engineer or Designer 4 Wastewater Engineer 5 Stormwater Engineer 6 Working Together for Success 7 Optimze How You Plan, Design, and Analyze 3 […]

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Learn how water professionals use OpenFlows™ Water to solve everyday challenges and effectively and efficiently plan, design, and optimize their water distribution systems.

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Streamline Your Workflow Learn how water professionals use OpenFlows™ Sewer to solve everyday challenges and efficiently plan, design, and analyze their sanitary and combined sewer systems. 2 of 11 Table of Contents Page 3 Wastewater Engineer 4 Wastewater Project Manager 5 Watershed Manager 6 Hydraulic and Hydrologic Consultants 7 Working Together For Success 7 […]

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[…] at the forefront of transforming how infrastructure is managed in the United States and digital water infrastructure solutions are ver y important to achieving this lofty goal. OpenFlows ™ WaterSight ® is Bentley’s digital twin solution for the water infrastructure industr y. The software allows users to build cloud-managed digital twins of their system […]

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New, Integrated 1D/2D Hydraulic Modeling for Flood Analysis With the release of CONNECT Edition Update 4, OpenFlows™ SewerGEMS® and OpenFlows™ CivilStorm ® now provide user-friendly tools for connecting 1D network elements with 2D surface ows. This signicant new expansion of capability enables engineers to better understand surface ooding depth and velocity, ood hazard, and […]

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[…] os dados críticos que eles fornecem fazem com que as concessionárias consigam tomar decisões mais inteligentes. É aqui que os gêmeos digitais desempenham um papel significativo. O OpenFlows ™ WaterSight ® da Bentley é uma solução de gêmeos digitais de infraestrutura hídrica escalável e flexível que integra e analisa fontes de dados diferentes, como […]

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OpenFlows ™ Sewer Wastewater Collection System Modeling and Management COMPREHENSIVE SEWER SYSTEM PLANNING AND DESIGN OpenFlows Sewer is advanced hydraulic analysis software that enables engineers to design and analyze sanitar y, stormwater, and combined sewer systems using built-in hydraulic and hydrologic capabilities. Engineers can efficiently design and analyze new sewers and expand existing […]

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OpenFlows Sewer Product Data Sheet

PRODUCT DATA SHEET OpenFlows ™ Sewer Wastewater Collection System Modeling and Management COMPREHENSIVE SEWER SYSTEM PLANNING AND DESIGN OpenFlows Sewer is advanced hydraulic analysis software that enables engineers to design and analyze sanitar y, stormwater, and combined sewer systems using built-in hydraulic and hydrologic capabilities. Engineers can eciently design and analyze new sewers and […]

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[…] most eective network arrangement, and validate the use of solar energy. LEVERAGING BENTLEY’S 3D DESIGN AND HYDRAULIC MODELING AND ANALYSIS APPLICATIONS “It was proposed that MicroStation and OpenFlows Water be used to optimize the execution of the project,” said Leonidas Dávila. Amagua selected MicroStation to design the entire architecture of the system in 2D […]

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Software destacado


MicroStation Software Logo White


Modele, documente, acceda y vea información de diseño arquitectónico, ingeniería, cartografía, construcción y operaciones con la potencia y flexibilidad que necesita para proyectos de cualquier tamaño.


Logo blanco del software ProjectWise


Aproveche la ejecución del diseño digital, la inteligencia de portafolio, la gobernanza de datos y las capacidades mejoradas de trabajo en curso de ingeniería para aumentar el rendimiento y la productividad de los proyectos mediante ProjectWise, con tecnología de iTwin.


SYNCHRO Software Logo White


Gestione sus proyectos de manera eficiente con construcción, planeación y ciclos de trabajo virtuales basados en modelos, del campo a la oficina.

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

OpenFlows Software Logo White

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

Software integral de asistencia para la toma de decisiones de modo que diseñe, planee y opere sus sistemas de distribución de agua.

Gemelos digitales

iTwin Software Logo White

Gemelos digitales

¡Eche un vistazo a qué son los gemelos digitales, cómo lo benefician y cómo funcionan!

OpenRoads Designer

Logo blanco del software OpenRoads

OpenRoads Designer

Diseño y documentación detallados e integrales para proyectos de carreteras que incluyen topografía, drenaje, servicios públicos subterráneos y visualización en aplicación.


Logo blanco de software STAAD


Analice y diseñe cualquier estructura, simple o compleja, y comparta el modelo sincronizado con confianza para la colaboración multidisciplinaria en equipo.


PLAXIS Software Logo White


Realice poderosos análisis de elementos finitos 3D de deformación y estabilidad para proyectos de alto perfil en suelo y roca.

20 % de descuento en software de Bentley

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