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OpenFlows Sewer Ultimate OpenFlows Sewer Advanced OpenFlows Sewer Standard OpenFlows Sewer Essentials Sizing Unlimited Pipes ≤5,000 pipes ≤1,000 pipes ≤100 pipes Run OpenFlows Sewer within MicroStation ®, OpenRoads ™ Designer, OpenSite ® Designer*, OpenRail ™ Designer*, AutoCAD*, or as a stand-alone interface w w w w Run OpenFlows Sewer within ArcGIS* and ArcGIS […]

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[…] this environment to zero in on data and apply articial intelligence and advanced analytics to gain actionable insights and support decision-making better than any single software system. OpenFlows ® WaterSight ™ makes data and analytics more visible across the enterprise, reducing operational and capital expenditures, as well as nonrevenue water loss. (Image courtesy of […]

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OpenFlows Water Ultimate OpenFlows Water Advanced OpenFlows Water Standard OpenFlows Water Essentials Sizing Unlimited Pipes ≤5,000 pipes ≤1,000 pipes ≤100 pipes Interoperability Run OpenFlows Water within AutoCAD *, MicroStation ®*, or a stand-alone interface   Run OpenFlows Water (WaterGEMS ®* application only) within ArcGIS * and ArcGIS Pro *   Model […]

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Hydraulics and Hydrology

[…] and make reliable renewal decisions  Design Model accurately and deliver high-quality designs with minimal capital investments Operate Improve performance monitoring, emergency response, and resilience of utility infrastructure OpenFlows is a comprehensive suite of software solutions tailored to meet the critical business needs of water infrastructure engineering teams. From fire flow and water quality simulations […]

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OpenFlows ™ HAMMER ® Transient Analysis and Modeling A COST-EFFECTIVE APPROACH FOR CONTROLLING TRANSIENTS Transient pressures can cause catastrophic damage to pipes and equipment, risk the safety of operators, allow the intrusion of dangerous contaminants into the system, and interrupt ser vice to customers. Over time, the increased wear and tear on pipes […]

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[…] risk of impact to Joinville residents and businesses. HYDRAULIC MODELING KEEPS WATER FLOWING Given Bentley software’s user-friendly interface and interoperability with multiple data sources, CA J selected OpenFlows WaterGEMS to create a digital twin of the municipality’s macro water distribution and supply system (main pipes with diameter greater than 100 millimeters), modeling 285 kilometers […]

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[…] the accuracy of construction Design Š OpenBridge Designer Š OpenRoads ™ Designer, OpenRail ™ Designer, OpenTunnel Designer Š ProStructures ™ Analyze Š OpenBridge Designer Š ProStructures Š OpenFlows ™ Operate Š OpenBridge Designer Š OpenTunnel Designer Š Use the applications to hand o the digital model for future maintenance Prev Next 12 of 18 […]

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[…] and maintain the platform within the first 14 months. AdP began by implementing the modeling and predictive capabilities of the project. The team used Bentley software— including OpenFlows WaterGEMS, OpenFlows SewerGEMS, and OpenFlows FLOOD—for its seamless plug-in capabilities to integrate data from all AdP sources and produce a digital twin of the city’s water […]

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Software destacado


MicroStation Software Logo White


Modele, documente, acceda y vea información de diseño arquitectónico, ingeniería, cartografía, construcción y operaciones con la potencia y flexibilidad que necesita para proyectos de cualquier tamaño.


Logo blanco del software ProjectWise


Aproveche la ejecución del diseño digital, la inteligencia de portafolio, la gobernanza de datos y las capacidades mejoradas de trabajo en curso de ingeniería para aumentar el rendimiento y la productividad de los proyectos mediante ProjectWise, con tecnología de iTwin.


SYNCHRO Software Logo White


Gestione sus proyectos de manera eficiente con construcción, planeación y ciclos de trabajo virtuales basados en modelos, del campo a la oficina.

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

OpenFlows Software Logo White

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

Software integral de asistencia para la toma de decisiones de modo que diseñe, planee y opere sus sistemas de distribución de agua.

Gemelos digitales

iTwin Software Logo White

Gemelos digitales

¡Eche un vistazo a qué son los gemelos digitales, cómo lo benefician y cómo funcionan!

OpenRoads Designer

Logo blanco del software OpenRoads

OpenRoads Designer

Diseño y documentación detallados e integrales para proyectos de carreteras que incluyen topografía, drenaje, servicios públicos subterráneos y visualización en aplicación.


Logo blanco de software STAAD


Analice y diseñe cualquier estructura, simple o compleja, y comparta el modelo sincronizado con confianza para la colaboración multidisciplinaria en equipo.


PLAXIS Software Logo White


Realice poderosos análisis de elementos finitos 3D de deformación y estabilidad para proyectos de alto perfil en suelo y roca.

20 % de descuento en software de Bentley

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El Evento Year in Infrastructure y Premios Going Digital Awards 2024

¡Nomine un proyecto para los premios más prestigiosos en infraestructura! El plazo ampliado para participar termina el 29 de abril.